Кафедра Хореографії
The graduating department for the training of specialists in this specialty is the Department of Choreography of the State Enterprise "Kyiv Choreographic College", founded in 2017.
The work of the department is focused on:
preparation of a new generation that corresponds to the main directions of education reform, raising the level of culture and art in Ukraine;
on the humanization of education, which consists in the establishment of man as the highest social value, the disclosure of abilities and the satisfaction of various educational and creative needs, ensuring the priority of universal values;
continuity of education, which opens the possibility for constant deepening of professional and professional training, achieving integrity and continuity in teaching and education;
improving the system of creative cooperation of the specialist;
diversity and variability of education, differentiation and individualization of the educational process.
Graduates of the Department of Choreography of Kyiv Choreographic College have the opportunity to:
work in leading amateur and professional choreographic groups of Ukraine and abroad (as artists and leaders);
to teach in specialized secondary and higher educational establishments of culture and arts, comprehensive schools;
to be methodologists in city, district and regional centers in the field of choreography;
to realize oneself in the scientific sphere.