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Basket of projects

Regulations on accreditation of educational programs

Regulations on the organization of inclusive education

Regulations on the organization of dual education

Regulations on monitoring the quality of education and educational activities

Regulations on international activities

Policy to ensure the quality of education and educational activities

Regulations on the unit to promote the employment of students and graduates

Regulations on the department for work with foreign students

Regulations on the rating system for evaluating the activities of research and teaching staff and departments

Regulations on the psychological support of the educational process

Regulations on student self-government

Regulations on the department of choreography

Regulations on the supervisory board

Regulations on educational and scientific activities

Regulations on the scientific and methodical department

Regulations on load planning and accounting
scientific and pedagogical workers

Regulations on academic mobility of participants in the educational process

Regulations on educational and scientific activities

Regulations on the procedure and conditions for students to choose elective courses



Development strategy for 2020-2025

Methodical recommendations for the development of curricula of academic disciplines

Methodical recommendations for the implementation of the diploma project

Regulations on the organization of the educational process

Regulations on stakeholder surveys to ensure the quality of educational activities

Regulations on student internships

Regulations on the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection of participants in the educational process

Rules of internal labor regulations

Regulations on the settlement of conflict situations related to corruption

Regulations on the training and consulting department

Regulations on internships and advanced training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers

Regulations on the Academic Council

Regulations on the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Choreography

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